Tuesday, 9 June 2015

June 9th

Gosh ! - over a week since I last blogged so what's been happening.  Lots of walks depite the unseasonally cold weather.  The beach wasn't too unpleasant and Maja got up to her usual tricks trying to catch Hamish by his tail and racing around with Kobe.  There's life in the old boy yet!

Nothing like a bit of digging - never know what you might find!

Thought we'd try again to test Maja's reaction to silly/strange hats.  As you can see she certainly wasn't worried about it.

The deer continue to come into the garden and eat the new growth on the hedges amongst other things.  We are still experimenting to see what we can grow that won't be eaten.

We have also had two large trees cut down this week.  One was leaning towards the outbuildings and had some fire damage so we thought it was better to have it cut down. Maja decided to help by getting hold of the end of the rope whilst the tree surgeon was up the tree holding on to the other end.  Luckily she eventually let go!  

Everything needs checking out!

                    Hamish has been helping out as well by trying out our new rustic bench!

Maja also has a strange habit of scratching up the rug into a heap and then lying on it, only this time she ended up underneath it instead!

Hamish helps to check emails!

On one of our walks a few cows showed a lot of interest in us from the other side of the fence.  Maja wasn't too sure about this so had to keep a close eye on things!

Waiting to ambush Hamish who really doesn't seem to mind.

The bluebells are still out and looking lovely!

The cut paths in the field are looking good - someone's pride and joy!  Even the dogs are under strict orders not to stray off them!

And finally Maja passed her Puppy Class last week so now moves onto the Bronze Award in July.  That will be a different story!

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