Sunday, 28 June 2015

Hounds of the Highlands - 28th June

Maja has again been on lead only although she is now sound and no sign of a limp - I think the vet is erring on the side of caution.  Although it is frustrating all round it has not done her any harm.  She has had walks by herself which have been very different.  At times she seems a bit lost without her two friends!  We have walked along the marina at Nairn and gone up and down the ramp to look at the smart yachts - we have visited the local retail park and wandered around Pets at Home as they allow dogs in the store.  The bunnies were very interesting!

She has also shown some stubborness and refused to go walking by herself - she had to be carried for the first bit until she decided there was no going back, then she was fine but she is no light weight!

It has been very wet and the rivers are quite full again - however we are promised some sunshine this coming week.  Fingers crossed!


A beetle that crossed our path

Having limited exercise has increased the naughty side of Maja.  More plaster has been chewed off the kitchen wall and today my lunch, a Sunday treat of a fried egg sandwich, was pinched from the kitchen surface.  She seems to be looking for trouble all the time- excercising the mind if not the body!

Hamish is not amused!

A nice bone kept her quiet for a while and the wagtail continues to be watched and sometimes stalked and chased!

Kobe and Hamish have the sense to know that if it flies it's not worth bothering about.

Sunday morning saw heavy rain and some reluctance to venture out, but it soon cleared up and turned out to be quite a pleasant day.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Hounds of the Highlands - 23rd June

A quiet week as Maja has been lame since early last week and so is on lead only exercise.  It is not easy to take photos whilst trying to keep her under control!  These are a few taken before the sentence was imposed!

She often runs with her ears tucked over - perhaps it keeps her cool!

There is some lovely mosses that grow on top of the stone dykes

A thoughtful looking Hamish

We pass these three sheep on one of our walks! They are very inquisitive and Maja doesn't know what to make of them. I think, from the internet, that they are Dorper sheep

Kobe has done a great job entertaining her and giving us some peace

It may look a bit fierce but it is all good fun!

She gives as good as she gets!

The kitchen wall has suffered too - we always wanted to know what was behind that plasterboard!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Hounds of the Highlands - June 14th

Woke up this morning to Hamish barking - always means something. Came downstairs to find that Maja had been chewing Kobe's bed and large chunks of foam were all over the kitchen.  Yesterday it rained for most of the day, so, although she had a decent walk in the morning she was inside the rest of the day sleeping so obviously her sleep quota ran out earlier than usual.

Otherwise this week has been fairly quiet and the weather has been lovely so out in the garden quite a bit.  Ringcraft has stopped for the summer, apparently it is not worth running as so few people turn up so I must practise by myself which is always harder.

Obedience classes start beginning July -below is a picture of puppy graduation class that I mentioned in the last blog.  It has to be explained that this photo was taken inside one of the showground sheds. It was pouring rain outside and if Maja hadn't worn her coat I don't think she would have left the shelter to attempt the test. She was reluctant enough as it was - what is the point in walking round some cones in the pouring rain and , even worse, having to lie down on very wet grass!

Heading out for a walk on a lovely sunny day!

Went to Cawdor woods up round by the castle - lots of good smells!

 Walked past the golf course and through the gate they spotted a familiar figure - this caused great excitement as they hadn't expected to see a family member out there!


She may look very ladylike but if you look closly you will see some nice green, revolting muck on the side of her face.  Not quite such a lady!

Maja continues to show an interest in cows - curiosity mixed with slight cautiousness at there large size.  You can see the raised hair on her neck.  Just wait until the agricultural shows this summer, that will familiarise her with all sorts of beasties, big and small!

Went for a nice walk yesterday up onto the grouse moors.  Great walking but didn't take a map so went up to one of the mountain huts and back the same way.  Next time armed with a map shall do a circular walk.  Maja enjoyed it anyway!