Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Tuesday 28th April

Yesterday, Monday, saw us off on one of our favourite local walks to Cawdor Woods.  Maja is gaining in confidence every day and now tends to be out in front 90% of the time.  Not a problem as long as she comes back when called.  She frequently checks to make sure we are following but when she gets too far ahead we, i.e.Kobe, Hamish and myself, hide.  That soon brings her back and it's good to remind her to keep checking.  I worry that when it's windy and they go off in to the forest that they can't hear my whisle so I have ordered a gun dog whistle which should help.  Yet another thing to teach her.  They continue to play on the walks and it has certainly perked the other two up .

Driving back down to the house there was a deer on the drive.  Luckily they were all sound asleep in the boot!

Once home fun and games started with Kobe - my pot of tulips didn't fare well!

As you can see Maja is very proud of her new big teeth! 

Today, Tuesday, we had a nice walk in the forest!  Pretty uneventful, no deer, no squirrels and didn't meet anyone.  
Tonight was ring craft night.  She was far more confident than last week and was much admired.  It was mostly Shelties there tonight as they have their champion show in Yorkshire this weekend to which they all, happily so it seems, travel down to.  Maybe I will have to rethink my self-imposed travel limits!  Maja was so good at the running bit and, as someone who shows Retrievers said, her movement is very tight for such a young dog.  We just have to sort out the standing/stacking part of it all.  Sit seems to be the default position at the moment but it is early days. Anyway she had a lovely time meeting more new doggie friends and humans AND she lasted until the end - no falling asleep.
Slightly worrying though is that we have installed a stairgate between kitchen and rest of house to keep her in one place if required.  Well tonight, she was asleep in her bed after ring craft so I shut the gate so that I didn't have to worry where she was.  Well as we were just about to sit down, relax and
watch some TV when who shoul appear, looking very pleased with herself, but Maja,  having jumped the gate - agility here we come!!!

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