Monday, 20 November 2017

Maja Update - one year plus later!! - Nov 2017

How time flies!!  Probably few people will read this but have been meaning to update for ages.  Maja continues to be a happy, mischievous and cuddly beast.  She has grown up a lot, become slightly more obedient! and is still a joy to have.  She is always making us laugh with her antics - the other day I had taken my shoe from her as she was racing up and down the house with it.  I then went out to put on my boots for a walk and there was Maja, paws up on the window sill, shoe in mouth looking out at me as I passed.  I could see from the movement that her whole back end was wagging in delight!!

She still plays with Hamish outside, and Kobe inside but we find that Kobe is getting a bit too old to race with her so it was lovely to meet up with a new Ridgeback friend , Ridley, last weekend on the beach.  They had a lovely time racing around and playing though not too sure that Ridley was convinced that having his back leg pulled or his muzzle eaten was part of the game.  Below is a selection of photos to show her recent adventures. The long lens doesn't like the low light so please excuse the quality.

There is nothing ladylike about Maja's tactics!

The ear pull!

A very tired girl!

Kobe hoping for a second breakfast despite having his earlier. Maja hadn't had hers.  He managed to get a bit of cheese for that look! Looking a bit grey these days but still looking good.