Sunday, 14 February 2016

Hounds of the Highlands - Febuary 2016

  Maja continues to amuse us all and is doing well.  Her temperament is so sound and there is not anywhere I wouldn't be happy to take her. Her Gold Good Citizen Award training is coming along quite well - I am especially proud of her 'emergency stops' and also how she has taken a new location, new dogs and new people all in her stride. Our main challenge is that previously she was allowed to do 'down stays' on a mat, so no way is she now going to grace a hard floor!   That said, we have  managed to progress from a soft blanket to a folded yoga mat. The next step, hopefully, is a single layer of the mat which will then be cut smaller and smaller until she hits that hard floor. Fingers crossed.
 She does, however, have some very odd sleeping positions!

Thankfully she seems to have stopped ripping the wallpaper off the walls so we are now hoping to decorate the kitchen in the not too distant future.

Today, Sunday, we woke up to snow.  Maja and I were supposed to be going to a small show about an hours drive away, but I decided it wasn't worth chancing the roads, never mind getting up the drive, to have 5 minutes in the ring before being thrown out.  Such faith! So we went for a lovely walk instead which I am sure she enjoyed better.  I did!
Apologies for the photography, it was early morning  and little natural light, as I had got up early in preparation for the show

Maja and Hamish had great fun playing in the snow

The face of wisdom!

and not!

Now for some snaps taken on the phone

and finally, I think I mentioned that we sometimes put a GPS tracker on Maja when on walks to see how far she travels compared to us humans.  Below is an example of our walk (in blue) and Maja's (in red.)  It's interesting, partly because a lot of the time although we can't see her  she is not far away and also to note how often she does 'check in' just to let us know she is still about.