Last Sunday Maja and I attended the ring craft Supermatch and Christmas party. We were out in the first round of the supermatch - she hasn't yet mastered the art of standing still for long enough but she did try to give the judge a few bribery! kisses which, though causing many smiles didn't alter the result! We participated in many of the games which she seemed to enjoy! She is so easy going and is always complimented on her friendly, though sometimes naughty, behaviour.
Big dogs are not normally allowed on chairs in our house but Maja decided she was exceptionally tired after the party so decided to breaks the rules!!
During the week she has been helping me to write the Christmas cards!!
And today it is her birthday! - and we wish all her siblings a Very Happy Birthday! Here she is in a Birthday pose with all her mates!
Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!!