Sunday, 31 May 2015

31st May

 Maja continues to enjoy life to the full, running in the woods (nothing is done at a leisurely pace) or playing at home with Kobe and Hamish.

We have all, dogs and humans, learnt to be grateful for the quiet moments when she sleeps!

We pass some young Clydesdale foals on the way to our walks

Maja continues to help with the household and garden chores though she doesn't seem to be too fussy which items of clothing she chooses!

She is very inquisitive and is always looking to see what is over the wall or through the gate!

 This deer was spotted on the drive this morning - it's coat looks rather like Kobe's which is in transition between winter and summer

Sunday, 24 May 2015

May 24th

A quiet week.  Tuesday was ring craft and Maja seems to have grasped 'the stack'  Not quite four feet in all corners yet but that can now be fine tuned (hopefully!)

They all continue to play on walks and at home.  One of Maja's favourite pastimes on a walk is to wait for Hamish at the side of the track and then ambush him.  Hamish knows exactly what is going to happen but seems to go along with it all.

Maja continues to grow at an alarming rate - only she doesn't seem to think so as she still seems to be under the false illusion that she fits Hamish's bed!

Around the house and in the woods the bluebells are out forming the most beautiful blue carpet.

Maja continues to have her funny moments.  Whenever I am out in the garden or on the laptop, if she is asleep she will check up on me periodically, have a cuddle and the go back off to sleep.  Another trait is to pinch my jumper and lie down and sleep on it.  She is also very vocal, especially when playing with the other two.  She emits a high pitched trill like noise which Catharina aptly described as her canary noises!
Both Maja and Hamish continue to help in  the garden!

although Hamish has been otherwise occupied over the past few days.  He has been on constant patrol outside around the barns.  He is a persevering little fellow and if he thinks there is something about he will not give up.  We thought it was probably mice, or worse rats, at first then we heard strange grumbling noises coming from the roof space.  And then we saw a little face peeking out - we have pine martens!

We presume they have a nest up there and so far have disposed onto the barn floor, a mouse, a well eaten young jackdaw and the tail and not much else of a red squirrel.

Kobe and Maja show very little interest!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Maja's First Highland Games!

Yesterday saw us at the Gordon Castle Highland Games.  Lots of people, children, dogs, pipe bands, dancing, flame act, bubbles! and food dropped on the ground - so guess where Maja's nose was most of the time! She was very good although all the training and heelwork seemed to be forgotten in the excitement of the whole event. 

She took it all in her stride, meeting dogs, people and children.  We were a bit worried about the number of children walking about with cakes in their hands at perfect Ridgeback height but as her nose was on the ground most of the time hoovering up chips, sweets etc she, thankfully, missed the opportunity.

 And the bubbles were hard to catch!

Kobe had his usual "I've seen it all before" look on  -  the most attention of the day was given to some cheesy chips I had for lunch!

Then the pipeband marched past us in the main arena. The noise of the bagpipes didn't bother her at all but then the drums came along!  They were very noisy and her neck grew longer

and longer

and longer!
A reassuring hand helped but she did back off a bit. There was a 4 month old Vizla sitting along from us and he too obviously thought they were a bit noisy as he ended up under a chair!

After a busy day it was time to relax and head for home!