Monday, 20 November 2017

Maja Update - one year plus later!! - Nov 2017

How time flies!!  Probably few people will read this but have been meaning to update for ages.  Maja continues to be a happy, mischievous and cuddly beast.  She has grown up a lot, become slightly more obedient! and is still a joy to have.  She is always making us laugh with her antics - the other day I had taken my shoe from her as she was racing up and down the house with it.  I then went out to put on my boots for a walk and there was Maja, paws up on the window sill, shoe in mouth looking out at me as I passed.  I could see from the movement that her whole back end was wagging in delight!!

She still plays with Hamish outside, and Kobe inside but we find that Kobe is getting a bit too old to race with her so it was lovely to meet up with a new Ridgeback friend , Ridley, last weekend on the beach.  They had a lovely time racing around and playing though not too sure that Ridley was convinced that having his back leg pulled or his muzzle eaten was part of the game.  Below is a selection of photos to show her recent adventures. The long lens doesn't like the low light so please excuse the quality.

There is nothing ladylike about Maja's tactics!

The ear pull!

A very tired girl!

Kobe hoping for a second breakfast despite having his earlier. Maja hadn't had hers.  He managed to get a bit of cheese for that look! Looking a bit grey these days but still looking good.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Hounds of the Highlands -October 2016

 I hope at least a few people will read this post - most of you have probably given up waiting.  Anyway all is well with the dogs - they have had a busy summer.  

In May Hamish was diagnosed with Addison's disease.  We had noticed for a long time that he was slowing down, but just thought he was getting old.  Anyway to cut a long story short he is now on daily pills and monthly injections for the rest of his life and is back to the lively little dog of years ago. He is also getting his whiskers back though somewhat greyer than before! 
Then in July we hosted our son and daughter-in-law's wedding  at the house. All three dogs enjoyed welcoming various relatives and friends who arrived several days before the big day, quite a few of them camping or caravaning around the place. And then, of course, their presence was required on the actual day! I have posted lots of photos to give you an idea of how it went.  Firstly there was the preparation just prior to the big day ....

Maja and Hamish greeting one of the campers

Hamish supervising the decoration of the bar which was to be named after him!

Hamish and Maja posing on the 'blanket box'.

Kobe testing the green carpet - no point on walking on gravel if you don't have to.

  It got chilly in the evenings!

Maja looking pretty and behaving for once!

Kobe resting in comfort - guests would have to step over him because he wasn't moving!

The bar just about finished - Hamish's Tavern!

And then the big event - Hamish was very much part of the ceremony as can be seen.  He sat under one of the benches during the ceremony and appeared just in time to act as a witness!! The Ridgebacks were resting inside!

And the the meal!   We had decided that we would shut the dogs in the house during the meal.  Kobe has a habit, (as do a lot of Ridgebacks!) of resting his head on the table between plates and eyeing up the contents, something which isn't appreciated by everyone.  Well we had just started eating when all three dogs came bouncing in, tails wagging, so pleased with themselves - they had escaped - and the expression on Kobe's face was quite something - eyes popping out of his head!  Instead of the usual small number of plates to choose from there were now 70 plus - where to start!!  Sorry to say that his fun was quickly curtailed - they were taken back inside. However, he and Hamish made up for it by closely supervising the cooking of the Hog Roast planned for the evening.  This close supervision resulted in both of them sporting very greasy heads for the next few days.  Pig fat is difficult to remove - L'Oreal wipes proved the best!!  Luckily the caterers liked dogs and the three of them were rather pudding like (even Maja!) by the end of the evening!

Celidh in full swing!

Supervising the eating of the Hog roast!

A well deserved rest!

A few photos out and about this summer.

Maja is a very vocal dog and likes nothing better than a big, loud stretch

She still loves playing with both Kobe and Hamish!

Finally we had a few days holiday up round the very north of Scotland.  Absolutely beautiful, though unfortunately a lot of sheep so Maja had to be on the lead quite a lot as she is not yet to be trusted amongst them - but it didn't do her any harm.